Browsing CategoryCareer

5 Tips to Stay Motivated When Experiencing a Career Slump in Another Country

Nobody wants to be stuck in a dead-end job, right? Making a career change or hopping to another company is indeed a difficult decision, but workers do it all the time. That said, job-hopping is a bit of a different story if you’re living abroad. After all, your ability to stay in your host country is often tied to your employment. Furthermore, comparing the culture and job markets of one nation to the next is apples and oranges in terms of wages, job security and the ability to move upward. That doesn’t mean you should stay stuck in a rut,…

What are the benefits of your kids learning STEM?

Every week, it seems that there is a new study out telling you of a new way for kids to learn. It can be hard to keep track of this stuff and feel like you’re doing the best you can for your kids. In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the STEM subjects that your kids can learn at certain schools. What is it, and what are the benefits of your kids learning STEM? What is STEM? STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. These subjects are put together because they often utilize similar skills…

Best Part-Time Jobs for Teachers

As a teacher, you’ve already got a lot on your plate. Between teaching your students, lesson planning, professional development meetings, and conferences with parents, getting a second job may seem out of the question! If you’re looking for extra cash, there are some really great options that will allow you to make some money even if you only have a little spare time. Here are a few of the best part-time job ideas that provide the most flexibility and enjoyment for educators. Get in on the Gig Economy If you wanted a part-time job, it used to mean putting in…

How to decide what career you want to do when you leave college

When you first arrive in college, for the most part it is all fun and games, exploring yourself, meeting new people, earning independence, partying and some occasional studying. As time wears on however, you do really need to start thinking about what kind of career you are planning to elect once you have graduated. This is not only important from a general life perspective, but also because you will need to decide on which majors to study, and your career choice will heavily dictate what you decide upon. If you aren’t sure yet what you want to do after college,…

Study Strategies Which Won’t Let You Down

Studying well for an important exam or for an upcoming test is not always as easy as it may seem. Despite what many of us may think about how we study, far too often we end up putting in the hours, put not necessarily studying effectively. Personally I have often spent hours upon hours staring at the same piece of text, and simply not absorbing in the way that I should. The key then, is to be strategic and tactical about how you study, and here are some of the things which you should be doing to ensure that your…