Know How to Build a Niche Site that Brings in £500 a Month

It is a New Year. Well, we are weeks in, but technically still a new year. It is time to make some changes. When was the last time you upgraded your website? Sometimes, the reason your conversion rates are plummeting isn’t because your product lacks value or appeal. It could simply be chalked down to an underperforming, old-fashioned website.

When James Eagan, a web publisher noticed that bounce rates on his site were up the roof, he did a conversion audit and discovered that his page loading speed was too slow. This caused visitors (potential customers) to leave without engaging his content. Have you done a website conversion audit lately?

In this post, we tackle some changes you can make to boost your site’s web appeal and increase conversion rates. A proper upgrade can see your business rake in up to £500 a month or more.

The following features should be implemented in your website for optimal performance.

1.   Mobile compatibility and responsiveness

If your business is going to compete online (and it should), there is no reason why you shouldn’t make it accessible to various mobile platforms. Google continues to emphasize the relevance of a mobile optimised website. When building one today, start with a mobile-first plan. This makes it easy for the 60% of shoppers using their smartphones and tablets to find your services.

You wouldn’t start a business without insurance; likewise, why build a mobile-incompatible website? It’s a digital calamity. You can only make sales online when people find your site and visit it.

2.   Add multiple payment options

One thing that discourages shoppers fast is having limited payment channels on your checkout page. In fact, it accounts for one of the reasons for a high cart abandonment rate. Research applicable payment options in your industry and install them on your site’s check out page.

People want to see options such as Google Checkout, bank transfer, PayPal, debit and credit cards and so on. By being more payment-diverse, you are making room for high conversion rates.

3.   Improve site navigability

Is your site easy to navigate? Some site owners fail to test their web pages regularly, as as such are unaware of how difficult it is to locate any information. People will leave your site if they cannot find the results they want. But it doesn’t always end there, twice as many people share bad experiences than good ones..

To ensure that your customers share positive word of mouth on your behalf, give them a reason to be happy. Boosting their overall web experience is a sure way to do so.

4.   Set up chatbots

In the age of advancing web technology, online retailers are growing more customer-oriented. They are installing machine-learning robots as shopping assistants on their site. Who wouldn’t like a smart assistant that recognises their shopping preferences when they log in?

From knowing a customer’s shoe size, to their favourite colour, these chatbots make the shopping experience faster and more convenient for the typical impatient shopper. If you can, try equipping your website with a feature that delights customers and makes them come back again.

These tips should see your conversion rates leapfrog to impressive figures. Generating £500 a month is just a start, the revenue could be higher. Start with one or two site upgrades today.